Thursday, December 18, 2014

The "Interview" Movie Could Spark A War

The Interview which is supposed to be shown in cinemas have been cancelled because of the threat of the "hackers" named Guardians of Peace. James Franco and Seth Rogen had cancelled their guesting of some shows because of the threats. This is the first time that a movie is cancelled because of a hackers threat. I remember the movie HotShots which stared by Charlie Sheen where in they made fun of Saddam Hussein. People in Iraq are being suppressed by Hussein that is why its okay to make fun of him but people in North Korea respects Kim Jung Un, that is why it is not a good thing to make fun of their leader. I saw on t.v. that pictures of Kim Jun Un and his father are everywhere on their country.Racism is big deal in the U.S.  If "The Interview" movie had costs millions to make,and the outcome will be endangering the lives of movie goers. The movie is not worth it......  If something happens then there would be retaliation and could spark a war...
Cyber War is World War 3?  The status of U.S.A and North Korea is on the edge of the cliff, wherein they could fall any moment into war. World War 1 sparked when the Archduke Franz Ferdinand heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. World War 2 was caused by the ambition of a 1 man named Adolf Hitler. World War 3 might start because of the movie "The Interview"....maybe not. The real cause of the tension of these two nation is the cyber war. FBI puts the blame on North Korea about the hacking in Sony Corp., but N. Korea said that they did not do it. The Internet Service of Korea was shutdown for a moment but its now back.They said that U.S. and China is responsible for this outage. North Korea gave its warning against U.S., and we all know that N.K. has its nukes. Let's hope that cyber war will be stopped because if it dont, we will be back on stone age. Bank accounts will be hacked , communication service will be shutdown, and worst will be weapons of mass destruction activated.

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